Collect them. The additions to this list are welcome. Also keep in mind that I do not know, in some cases, the origin of a particular expression. If you know or theories of the origin of something I'd also like to hear less from you. I hope you enjoy.
Talk to the hat
To talk nonsense or to lie. c1885. [In an interview in The World entitled "How about white shirts," a reporter asked a New York streetcar conductor what he thought the efforts toriders to wear white shirts like their counterparts in Chicago. "'Talking Dey're tru Deir hats," he was taken in response.]
Eating El Sombrero
There is no such thing as a sure thing, but that's where that phrase. If you say to someone, you eat my hat if they do something, make sure you do not wear your best hat, just in case. [The expression goes back at least to the reign of Charles II of Great Britain and had somethingdo with the inclinations love ol 'Charlie. Apparently the name of a goat, after his love for life, even if the goat eating hats.]
Old Hat
Old, dull world of fashion. [Looks hats come from the fact that fashion is constantly changing. The fact of the matter is that the fashion of his hat was not changing very fast around the turn of the century, 19 The expression is therefore likelyabout 100 years.]
Mad Hatter as
Completely crazy, crazy. Hatters [crazy indeed. mercury vapor is inhaled part of the process for the production of felt hats. Non-recognition of the strong contraction and disorder as symptoms of a mental disorder, people are having fun hit a hat, often treated as a drunk. In the United States, the state is "Danbury shakes." How (Danbury, Connecticut, was a center of hat production.) Mercuryis no longer used felt: hat making - and hat - making] sure.
Hat in hand
A demonstration of humility. For example: "I come hat in hand" means that come out of consideration or weakness. [I believe that the origins of feudalism, when employees or the bottom of the feudal society, had to remove his hat in the presence of the Lord and King (you think Dr. Seuss book "The 500 Hats ofBartholomew Cubbins "?). A hat is your pride more ornament.]
Pass the Hat
Literally passing the hat of a man from among the members of an audience or group as a tool for fundraising. Also to beg or ask for alms. [The source is obvious that man is a backwards hat is a good container.]
Gravity, as Dick's hatband
Anything that is too tight. [The dog in this case is Richard Cromwell, son of 17 EnglandCentury "dictator" by Oliver Cromwell. Richard succeeded his father and wanted to be king, but he was ready. Hatband in the phrase refers to the crown that was never used.]
Three goals
Three consecutive hits in a game or a task to another. For example, with three windows won three consecutive starts, a player in a game of cricket, three goals or points by a player in a game of football or hockey, cricket etc. [, the former practiceThe award of a hat, a melon balls with three fired the next three batters.]
In the 19th Century, men wore derby hats specifically Eastern businessmen and criminals and detectives later players. [Derby hats, also known as Coca-Cola or bowlers were at first very difficult, because the Horses were developed in 1850 for use by a Ranger, protection for pilots about.] Today "helmets" [construction workers are available toReasons].
The cap or hat
An expression of disbelief. [Origin unknown. Help us if you] can
Throwing a hat into the ring
Participate in a contest or a race eg a political career for the job. [A customer wrote us: "I read" The Language of American politics, "by William F. Buckley Jr., that the term" throwing the hat in the ring "comes from a practice of the landlord a ring of 19th century boxesthe center of the bar to the other customers a place to do it, did not want to start a fight Donnybrook. If a man wanted to indicate that he has to fight anyone, he would throw his hat in the ring.
At one point, Roosevelt declared that he is running for office Teodoro, in a speech that, in general a bit ', one of which says, "my hat in the ring and I'm shirtless. I Pull" The phrase " my hat in the ring "stuck, probably because"They are stripped to the waist is a bit 'rough.]
Hats off.. .
"Hats off to the olympic team in the winter," for example. An exclamation of approval or praise. [The sources are indicated by the fact that the recruitment of a top hat or a hat is a traditional event.]
A feather in his cap
A particular result. [I suspect that the origin of this expression on rainy days, when in fact, a pen from one ofLimit would be allocated through a service such as medals will be extended today and nailed in a uniform. A pin or needle, add a certain prestige or luster to a garment.]
Keep the cap (s)
A warning that some excitement or danger in delay. [When you travel by car out soon, the cry "Keep your hat," when the car broke the horse gallop and pulled was certainly literal.]
In BeeCap
The indication of movement or idea that is not set, can be indecisive and simple terms. [Real bee in a bonnet as an expression of doubt.]
The use of many hats
This is a metaphor indicating that many different tasks is replaced. [In the past, often uniform hats still needed an essential part. A soldering iron miner, workers, employers, employees and banks since 1960, the cook, farmer,etc all wear or wore a hat in particular. The use of "many hats" or "many different hats" simply means that one has different functions or jobs.]
All hat and no cattle
All show and no substance. For example, in October 2003, Senator Robert Byrd said the Bush administration claims of those who wanted the United Nations as a partner in transforming Iraq were "All Hat and no cattle." [This term refers to the people of Texas, whopowerful ranchers, but the herds have at home.]
To hang your hat (or less)
To commit to something (or not), or is their reputation on something (or not), as an idea or policy. For example: "I hang my hat fire his manager's decision to George Steinbrenner." [Origin unknown. Can anyone help me with this?]
In the fall of a hat
Fast. [Delete a cap, you can start how a race can (rather than aweapon, for example). Also, a hat is a piece of clothing that his support can be easily replaced. Who wears hats regularly directs experienced the speed at which a hat can fly.]
To remove the cap or the tip of the hat
A backup of respect, consent, approval, or the like. For example, "an allusion to U.S. troops for the capture of Saddam Hussein." [This is just a verbalizationExample of label on her hat. The men (and some still do) tip the hat to send the same message.]
My hat, instead of me
This is an expression of Ecuador, home of Panama "hat." This means that what is being said, it is preferable to give the hat from her life. [The River Runs Through Guayas Guayaquil, Ecuador's largest city on the Pacific coast. The people are known to swim to hunt alligators their skins in the rivernaked Panama hats on their heads and long knives between their teeth. When the reptiles open their jaws and go for swimming, diving, leaving his hat floating on the surface of the alligator to chew, while reducing the knife in the belly of the beast. VIA Panama Hat by Tom Miller.]
Bad Hat
I think this is a French term for a bad person. Series [Ludwig Bemelmans' Madeline books for children located inFrance has a Madeline and the Bad Hat. In this story of Madeleine, our heroine, refers to a nearby small as a "bad hat." You mean this is clearly a metaphor for a bad person, because I think the English term for it is a common French reference. If anyone knows more about this, please send an e-mail.]
Hat Hut
Step by step. Nevada Barr [in search of enlightenment: Hat Hat means just that. Has anyone else heard this? If so, please send an e-mail.]
Keep something under his hat
Keep it secret. People hats [kept important papers and small treasures under her. One of them was often the first hat in the morning and last night, so, literally, things under his hat was to keep safe. Abraham Lincoln was a famous physician. The Cowboy helpfulRefuge> was also used for storage.]
Here's your hat, but what's your hurry
If someone has had enough of your time and you want him / her to leave. [Origin unknown.]
Take your office on alert
Managing a business with little money. [Important documents and the like are often carried in his hat.]
Tax Cap
A young lady "sets her cap" for a young man who hopes to marry their interests. [LangYesterday was aligned with the boots with the young women, because the budgets are slightly heated. A girl put more hat on, when a boy was likely to call.]
Thinking Cap
To access the "gray matter" is the view of some problems with attention. Teachers [and philosophers of the Middle Ages often wore distinctive caps that set them apart from those who had less learning. Caps is a symbol of education. people share (literally or figuratively) to solvetheir problems.]
Black Hat ...
black hat tactics, intentions, black hat, etc.. Refer to the heinous acts and designs [Black Hats in the Western tradition and literature were the bad guys.]
White hat ...
Although not seen or heard this expression so much as "Black Hat" is just the opposite of the above. [Good wore / wear white hats.]