Monday, July 12, 2010

Grandmother Walks - Hydration is a part of my training program

Walk one of the best forms of exercise for older people like me. My team is simple, a pair of comfortable shoes, socks, a hat for sun protection and water to keep hydrated on foot. Adequate fluid intake helps me to walk I had planned.

You can also walk if you're an adult. Hydration should be part of your foot plan, and if not, which today total! For age, we lose our sense of thirst. In reality, our minds interpret thirstsuch as hunger. That's why we must stay hydrated all the time.

Drinking a news article in the American site, "The lack of strong signals Senior Product thirsty enough," describes an adequate fluid intake. "Older people do not drink enough water and are dehydrated during heat waves because their brains do not coordinate sensory signals and the thirsts for his body, a recent Australian study." The study was conducted by Gary Egan, an associate professor at the University of Melbourne.

Beautyonline site, in an article entitled "Water for walkers, hikers, said that learning to recognize the signs of dehydration. dry mouth is a sign. Others include fatigue, dizziness, headache, weakness and cramps muscle. " Every time when you feel thirsty, you are probably dehydrated, "said the article.

One of the fastest ways to find out if you are dehydrated is a urine test. dark urine is a sign of dehydration.

How much water should you drink? The amount depends on yourWeight, after "drinking water", an article on the website of America's Walking. For example, a person 200 pounds to 12.5 glasses of water a day. are needed to determine how much water to drink, weigh and divide the number by half. The article says that travelers need to drink every 15 minutes. Drinking water is better than drinking large quantities and helps prevent sloshy, feeling the waves-in-my-belly.

Adequate fluid intake is important in summer, but it is equallyimportant in winter. "How to stay warm and safe while exercising outdoors Walk," an article on the website Life123 explains the reasons for this. Even if you sweat a lot, not in winter, drinking water helps to regulate body temperature.

What to drink? The options are: mineral water, flavored water, sports drinks and more. People tend to drink more water when it tastes, according to a Web page Redbook, "StayingHydrated. "To add flavor, you can put a slice of lemon or lime in your water bottle. In hot weather, you should fill your bottle with ice cubes and enjoy them as they melt.

Walking America's Web site describes water as "fuel for the journey." To feed my drinking a glass of water an hour before the head and bring water bottles. I usually walk for half an hour and drink plenty of water when you get home. I am a grandmother and walking part of the hydration of my training program.Really?

Copyright 2010 by Harriet Hodgson

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