What should you do with your snow sled now that winter is over? Yes, you could just hang them back in the garage to dust until the next big snowfall, or you can try one of these proposals to collect.
Be transformed · Shelves - A classic wooden sleigh into an interesting shelf. Take your slides (this is for a sled without runners - a long and flat with a curved slide up to front-end), and set it a few shelves. These shelves are to be nailed in perpendicularon the seat of the sled, sticking to the same side as the curved part protrudes. Nail them to the backhand side. If you just leave your shelves it, they will not be able to carry very much weight. For additional assistance you may beams (angle from the front on the rod connected to the sled), or you can use the slide string to come down in the shelves (just drill a hole on each side of the front of the shelf or screw in an eye ring).Hang your new shelf on the wall, curved end at the top. Put it on picture frames, cups, or whatever you want. It opens a great way to remember fun in the winter time because the whole year.
· Table - another fun piece of furniture that you can make a wooden sleigh, is a table. Pretty much, you only have to some limbs down nail! You can put him on the head so that the end hair on the floor, or you can then right above. In any case, it will be aFun and unique furniture. A toboggan run table looks good in cabins!
· Deaths - during the gardening season, a plastic sled without runners is a great tool for pulling your garden supplies around. You can simply use the gardening tools that you need in your slide and then drag it onto the green hills around the garden spot. You can also fill your sleigh full of weeds, must be taken to the trash. It should be noted, of course, a sled that pulls the best of grass - you cana bit more trouble pulling a heavy sled on concrete!
· Screen - all wooden sledges could double as an interesting canvas. Draw a picture of Santa Claus on the sleigh, or maybe paint your favorite winter scene are. The possibilities are endless! This is a great project if you have an old wooden sled that does not work anymore. It can save a great way to "a sled has been forwarded to your family for generations. Of course, even a new slide canpainted - as long as you properly sealed, it will look good as you are on the sledding hill, too!
· Bench / couch / chair - depending on what kind of sled you have, you can use it in a bank, a couch or a chair. You can load up a plastic pillows and blankets for a comfortable high chair Sleigh / bed. You can use the legs off and add a runner in a bank. Or you can see a bank in half and then again to create the halves upright on a chair (legs are optional). QuiteOf course there are many more carpentry involved in this project, but that's just an idea!
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